NHRC Asks the Foreign Employment Board to Monitor Vehicles Used in Transporting Dead Bodies NIMJN | May 30, 2024

 Kathmandu: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) said it is concerned about the vehicles used for transporting the dead bodies of migrant workers from the Kathmandu airport to their remote homes.

Photo credit: Devaki Bist

NIMJN investigation had uncovered that the Foreign Employment Board was only using two-wheeler vehicles and that these vehicles are not suitable for steep or rough roads in remote areas to transport the dead bodies. NIMJN had talked with over a dozen of the family members of deceased migrant workers, who all said that they faced difficulty while transporting the dead bodies. 

Read more about the investigation here. 

Kamal Thapa Kshetri, Under Secretary at the International Relation Division of the NHRC, asked the Foreign Employment Board to monitor the condition of the vehicles on how they are transporting the bodies. 

“Transporting a dead body is a sensitive topic. Foreign Employment Board itself should monitor whether or not the services are effectively implemented,” Kshetri said, “The Board should investigate this issue through their internal mechanisms.”

The vehicle carrying the dead body of Santa Bahadur Sunar, who had died in Malaysia, exiting the Tribhuvan International Airport. Photo credit: Devaki Bist

Nepal’s Foreign Employment Board, on the other hand, said they have not received any complaints from the family members of the migrant workers so far. 

Dr. Dwarika Upreti, executive director of the Board, said the Board will investigate if any of the family members file a complaint regarding the issue to the Board. 

Documents gathered by NIMIN through RTI show the Board is only using two-wheelers as of writing this article.


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