NIMJN Talk: Covid-19 and Dengue- Challenges ahead for Nepal Jan 27, 2023 Comments

This event was organized on October 1, 2022.

The main objectives for this Talk were to make the participants aware of the symptoms, causes, and solutions regarding the Dengue outbreak in Nepal and to learn about the challenges faced by journalists during this situation, and their experiences during this period.

The main speaker for the series was Dr. Nikesh Bajracharya, from Kist Medical College and Teaching Hospital. He discussed the most recent Dengue outbreak and its signs and symptoms, how to treat it if it occurs, and the nutrition required by the body when suffering from it. He also discussed the variations in other mosquitoes and the Dengue virus, the incubation period of the virus, and the dangers of the sixth and seventh day of infection from this disease. He also noted the importance of taking care of oneself in this critical phase, and the history and recent scenario of Dengue. 

A total of 19 participants participated in the event. This series was organized virtually, thanks to which journalists from different districts and different media outlets also got the opportunity to join the event.This Talk allowed the participating journalists to learn about the Dengue outbreak, symptoms, treatment and nutrition options.  They also got to learn about the variation of mosquitoes through which Dengue spreads, its incubation period, and how to stay alert during the critical phase of the disease.The participants were also able to engage in experience sharing session regarding the challenges that they had personally faced during this period.
