
Shyam Rana Magar

Shyam Rana Magar Shyam Rana Magar NIMJN Human Trafficking Reporting Fellow

Shyam Rana Magar is one of the recipients of the NIMJN Human Trafficking Reporting Fellowship from Gandaki province. This fellowship was open to the training participants of the NIMJN’s Reporting on Human Trafficking and Human Rights using Multimedia Tools training held in Pokhara for the journalists in Gandaki province, supported by Australian Aid. Shyam was selected based on his story idea and pitch related to human trafficking issues in the province. Shyam is a Pokhara-based journalist with more than five years of experience in the field, and he is currently working at His reporting is focused on issues related to the environment, corruption, history, and human rights. He has completed his bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Tribhuvan University and plans to continue pursuing journalism with a special interest in reporting on social issues and issues related to marginalized communities.

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